Usually the Air Handling Units have a casing (also known box) constructed by a framing system and double skin insulated panels (also known as insulated sandwich panel). The most common framing materials are galvanized steel, AluZinc or aluminium. Regarding the panels skin, the most common materials are galvanized steel for the inner skin and prepainted galvanized steel for outer skin. In hygienic AHU's the inner skin sometimes is made from stainless steel.
The material used to insulate the panels is injected PU (Polyurethane) foam. All the components (Fan, Filter, Cooling and heating coil etc.) will be installed inside the casing. The casing is installed on top of a base (or chassis). We manufacture and supply our panels for being AHU casing to all well-known international AHU brand.

AHU Casing Structure - Profile Structure with base.
Configuration Types
Most common configurations are:

Inline - Supply 100% Outdoor Air.

Inline - Supply Mixed Air.

Inline - Double Flux with Mixed Air.

Double-Deck - 100% Outdoor Air.

Double-Deck - Mixed Air.

Syde by Side - 100% Outdoor Air.

Side by Side - Mixed Air.

U Shape - Supply 100% Outdoor Air.